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You Don't Need To Know Anything About Horse Racing To GUARANTEE A Substantial Income From Your Betting This Year...
I think we can all agree that in betting, there is no such thing as a sure thing...
But after fifteen years in the betting game, and almost six years using the little-known method I'm going to share with you today, I've decided to put my neck on the line and do what nobody else in the industry will...
So what gives me the confidence to make such a risky move? ...
Well, I started using this strategy to find my bets back when I had just graduated from university. I was dead broke, working in a bar, and didn't really have a clue what I wanted to do with my life...
Fate, it seems, had other plans. Within the next 12 months, I managed to generate a five figure profit from my betting activities (which was more than I ever earned in the bar trade)...
Needless to say, I felt like the luckiest man alive! ...
I decided it was time to commit to betting full-time, and the following year I started sharing this incredible method with other betting enthusiasts like yourself.
It feels great to have helped create a community of succesful punters over the past six years, and to provide people with the resources they need to take their betting to the next level...
And, many of our group now also bring home a five figure betting income each year...
Fantastic racing strategy, made massive profits for so little outlay. Great new members website and easy to use, do yourself a favour and get on board now!
James B
Michael is a genuine chap, and works hard on providing the very best service, which in my opinion is excellent. He even takes time to teach his members the method behind his selections…
I ran a successful lay service for almost 8 years before retiring, and know how difficult it is to get consistent results. Join with confidence!
Mel S
Excellent service, making some great money following the method, certainly helped pay for my Christmas anyway! Looking forward to it funding my summer holiday now will definitely be sticking with these for a long time to come. Superb!
Lee C
Over the past 40+ years I must have tried hundreds of "hot" products, which have all promised success and delivered nothing but failure!
I can honestly say that this is one of three that have delivered in that time. It took me 39+ years to find it, DON'T let it take you 40 years to find a winning strategy!
John C
Really consistent betting method, profits add up and always good customer service.
Ian F
Obviously it goes without saying that having that level of financial success has been great. But what’s really mattered most, is the lifestyle that this kind of recurring income gives you, which is a life of complete freedom...
So if there is a blessing I could pass on to others in my life, it would be How To Create The Life That You Want To Live, using the recurring income stream you can easily create from this little-known method of betting.
Anyway, enough about me, let's get to the important bit...
It all began when I stumbled across an idea that changed the way I looked at betting forever. The idea goes like this…
To Find Success, Look To Those Who Have Already Achieved The Results You Want.
So who has achieved the most success, when it comes to sports betting? ...
The gross gambling yield (GGY) from the UK betting industry was estimated at 14.4 Billion last year, and it's likely to be even more this year, so they're obviously doing much better than the punters...
So the real question is, how do the bookies make their money? ...
It's actually pretty simple...
The bookies estimate the true chance of an outcome occurring, then adjust the odds a bit in their favour, and take bets at those odds...
And this is where my strategy comes into play...
I use the very same tactics the bookies use, but I use them specifically to identify bets where the odds are in the punters favour...
Because believe it or not, the bookies get their odds wrong on a daily basis.
I've been using this method for almost six years now, and it's by far the most profitable approach to betting I have ever found…
And the funny thing is, learning the method is actually easier than you might think…
That's why I recently put together the Value Hunter, a video training course where you can learn the method for yourself, and gain the power to find profitable bets on demand...
This is how the Pros do it, so it's an invaluable resource if you enjoy making your own picks.
With that being said, I'm also going to provide you with each days list of qualifying bets, using this proven method that has been developed and fine-tuned over the last six years.
So, all you really need to do to guarantee your profit this year, is to consistently place these qualifying bets...
And this can be done in as little as five minutes, each day you choose to bet.
Since I set this service up, it has generated an INCREDIBLE 1,546.86 POINTS PROFIT for it's members...

- BackLucrative Results History
Download the results since the service began in August 2013.
Not to worry, you can still generate a substantial income using the staking plan provided. Simply add your profit to your starting bankroll, and increase your stake as your bankroll grows. As your stake increases, so does your profit.
Then, once you're happy with the size of your stake, and average profit levels, switch over to level stakes and start withdrawing your winnings...
For example, if you began with £5 stakes, compounded your profit until you reached £50 stakes, then started withdrawing your winnings, here's what your betting income would look like...

This unique strategy has generated profit every single racing season without fail, since we began back in 2013...
And the above example only compounds your bankroll at the end of each racing season. If you do it at the end of each month, your bankroll (and profit) will grow even faster.
As a result, the majority of our community are now able to take home a Five Figure Tax-Free Betting Income each year with relative ease....
And right now, you have the opportunity to start doing the same. Here's just a taste of what you'll discover when you join our community...
- How you can earn £10,543 per year from BackLucrative, starting with just £5 stakes…
- How to use guaranteed bet markets and betting exchanges to make bookie restrictions a thing of the past…
- The tipping service that allows you to “skip the boring stuff” and get all your bets on in a few short minutes...
- How to use the magic of compounding to combine bankrolls and accelerate your profit even further...
- The little-known technique that completely removes any and all risk from your betting (this one is a must have!)...
- Gain the power to compile your own odds, find value bets on demand, and become a professional horse racing investor…
And just look at what the online reviewers have to say...
One of the larger samples we have been able to test with 784 selections during the trial. Our bankroll is showing a 178 point profit with a 23% return on stakes invested.
Betting Rant
Everything about the BackLucrative service comes across as professional. The selections arrive on time every morning. Vendor support is excellent. The instructions on placing the bets are clear. They take seconds to put on, so no staring in front of a screen for hours on end...
Even a Neanderthal like yours truly can understand the staking system.And most importantly of course, it proved to be a very profitable service.
A truly interesting service which had some very good results and performed creditably. There were no significant losing runs and some high winning odds was achieved.
There is much to like about BackLucrative. It’s a professionally operated service, it is honest and it produced positive results across the course of a generous trial.
Punters Verdict
And remember, these reviews only covered the tipping portion of the service, but you also get access to the method behind the tips, our Value Hunter training series, when you sign up today…
So let’s summarise everything you’re going to get when you say YES to BackLucrative right now...
If you tot up the totals, that gives the service a recommended retail price of £997 per year.
Now picture taking home an additional five figures each year, like a large portion of our member community.
As you can clearly see, this service provides unbelievable value at £997 for the year…
However I know times are tough right now, and I want to give you every reason to take advantage of this amazing opportunity today...
So I'm going to make this an absolute no-brainer for you.
If you join BackLucrative right now, I’m going to make this amazingly powerful service available for the extremely low price of just £297 for the full year…
That’s means you’re saving 70% compared to the retail price…
If you'd prefer to join on a monthly basis, you'll pay just £37 per month...
Clicking either button above will take you to our registration page, after which you'll receive your login details to your registered email address, and be able to access your member resources immediately.
After a full six years of success, I have full confidence in BackLucrative and what it can do for you, which is why I’ve chosen to shoulder all the risk…
Guaranteed Profit Or Your Money Back... |

1 Year Guarantee
If the service doesn’t make an absolute minimum of 100 points profit within the first year of your membership, I’ll be happy to fully refund all membership fees paid to date.
I’m offering this to put your mind fully at ease, and to ensure there's nothing to stop you Taking Massive Action Right Now…
Because If you don’t take decisive action today to start making your betting profitable, how can you expect your life to be any different one year from now?…
And I need to give you fair warning…
Just so you know, this service has built up an excellent reputation after six years of consistent profit, so I expect the available member spaces will be snatched up extremely quickly…
And since you are completely covered by my One Year Profit Guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking decisive action and joining BackLucrative right now…
I Know This Knowledge Will Hand You The Power To Change Your Betting, Increase Your Income, And Improve The Quality Of Life For Yourself, And Your Loved Ones, Now And In The Years To Come...
I can’t thank you enough for taking time out of your busy day, to learn more about my longest running horse racing service, and what it can do for you...
I hope you're now able to see it's true potential, and I’m very much looking forward to welcome you to our members community.
Yours Sincerely,
Michael J Carr